Since 1990, Brown Health Family Center has provided comprehensive HIV/AIDS primary health care services and has become a leader in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. BFHC's team of health care professionals includes physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, prevention counselors, and more. In addition to primary health care and dental care, our services include case management, medication adherence counseling, educational workshops, financial assistance, and wellness services.
BFHC offers comprehensive medical care and case management to clients who are receiving Ryan White services. The goal of case management is simple: viral suppression and advocacy. Medical Case Managers advocate the rights of all clients and ensure that they maintain access to medical care and treatment. Medical Case Managers are also available to clarify complicated medical jargon and assist clients with developing a short-term and long-term plan of care. We also assist uninsured/underinsured clients with applying for medication assistance programs.
In addition to medical and case management services, BFHC offers psychological support services, dental care, temporary and long-term housing assistance, and nutritional counseling to clients receiving Ryan White services. If you or someone you know is HIV positive, please make an intake appointment with one of our case managers. Upon your initial visit, you will need to provide:
Brown Family Health Center provides housing services known as Housing for People with AIDS (HOPWA). HOPWA is available to those residing in the 12 counties allowable in the assigned HSDA and who qualifies for assistance. HOPWA provides resources and incentives to devise long term strategies for meeting the housing needs of low-and moderate-income people. HOPWA stabilizes housing by providing housing assistance and supportive services for HOPWA eligible clients. HOPWA housing assistance and supportive services help to reduce the risk of homelessness and provides supportive services that include linkages to medical care, chemical dependency treatment and mental health treatment, and nutritional services. Brown Family Health Center offers two HOPWA- related programs including case management that serves individuals and their families living with HIV who are low income or in jeopardy of becoming homeless. Short-Term (STRMU) STRMU provides short-term rent, mortgage, and utility payments for households experiencing a financial crisis or a change in their economic circumstances. STRMU provides 21 weeks of services within a 52-week period. The household must already be housed and show proof of a recent short-term emergency that jeopardizes housing stability. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
TBRA assists households who are housed or homeless. To receive TBRA services, households must present evidence of current or imminent tenancy in the private unassisted housing market. TBRA alleviates the rent burden of low-income households. TBRA provides an ongoing and portable rental subsidy that helps households obtain or maintain permanent housing.
Call us today to learn how we can help!
Point of Contact Name: Casey Deckard
Point of Contact Phone Number: 936-569-8240 ext. 41
Point of Contact Email:
Please note that Brown Family Health Center HOPWA and Ryan White services are available to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or handicap.